Monthly Archives: April 2014

kill yourself #2

we just wanted to say thank you and much respect to everyone that support the art, we appreciate you a lot for being open minded and see thru the slogans .. this hole thing is mainly stupid and funny but the good thing is that it made people (including ourselves) think and talk about some important issues..

the problem is not being not politicly correct – the problem is narrow minded people that choose to see only what they want to see in everything (and god knows we have too many extreme people like this in Israel).

we will keep doing what we enjoy to do and that makes sense to us, and if someone doesn’t like it it’s ok, it was never our goal

anyway you know we don’t like to talk too much, hopefully thats the last round of this story, we’re going back to paint
the fingaz

KILL ALL MAN   KISS ALL MAN     *on the penis


the other side of the story: