Posts By: UNGA


Big thanx to all the good friends who took part of the Journey Galactiko and helped us so much to make this crazy project:
The Ghostown family, Quimba, Ezra, Jon Duan, Britt, Griff, Yonatan & Aya, Kine, Yesenya, Modern Multiples, Rotem, Kobe, Jesus & Grandpa, Phil, Brayant, Brandy, Gaslamp Killer, Lori, Sabrina, Sickboy, Mike & all of our Skid Row neighbours.

The show will run 6 weeks at the Howard griffin Galley, 410 Spring st. DTLA

Here’s Some pictures from the opening night by the Homie CJ Parel!

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Working hard at the studio, getting ready for our debut show in the USA.. The opening is Next saturday !

Here’s a sneak peek of some of the new acrylic paintings we did in India:

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