Posts By: UNGA

extra extra

-random art, some by huge artists like Klimt others by unknown artist from Flickr, all of them are dope… enjoy

Last month of Fries

At the end of this month we’re flying to Europe to paint some walls, do some projects and travel as much as we can.. so this will be the last month of FRIES parties (at least until summer time..). those fridays were really amazing and helped us survive in this weird village called Haifa.. thank you to everyone who showed up and got drunk with us… the good news – there’s still 3 more parties to go! don’t miss them.. this Friday we have our homies Walter and Majiman spinning everything from Glitch Hop to Crunk, kayufak!

Louis Theroux at the settlements

Interesting look at the twisted way of thinking of the settlers here in Israel. the sad thing is that they are fully backed by the government, which is the most right winged, extremist, racist government Israel has ever had (the minister of foreign affairs is a settler..) on the other side, i think the majority of people think they should be evacuated, so maybe there is still some hope.

saw it at , great blog for graffiti and titts..

Tour Diary

A tour diary from our visit to china last summer. We collaborated with our good friend Adme to create this slide show for the “Pecha Kucha” in Tel Aviv. it was pretty much our first experience with classic animation.. the talking is in Hebrew, but don’t worry if you don’t understand, it’s not really that interesting..