Posts By: UNGA

monkey suit

-new silk screen poster i printed (i made only 10 of them..)

we’re finally workin on the online shop, so hopefully soon it will be available here, along side other shit we will sell..

our neighborhood is special. our neighbors are also special. i’ve been takin paparazzi pictures of this guy for a while,  he’s impressive. no homo.

thats the first tattoo i’ve ever done. i did it on Mickey the genius who scarified his leg, it was the first time i held a machine, came out a little bit sketchy but shit it was really fun..

Keos also did his first tattoo, on Mickeys second leg..

his neck

and now he just sent me his new pussy love palm tattoo… shits funny, americans are crazy..

“Fries” parties


-For a posters competition. here is Tant’s poster:

and this is mine:


-probably the best rave iv ever been to, what a way to close 2010… big up to Young Bloodz crew and KOF TEVET. here’s some great pictures by Tal Blum


-we  normally have a lot of gypsies staying at our place, but this week was extra busy.. we hosted 12 german punks. really nice guys that  play in two great hardcore bands – Dead Hand & Pissed Goats and came to play a show in Haifa along the Friday Night Sissy Fight

our homeboy Mikey recently started tattooing and they all wanted a tour tattoo, so we turned my room into a studio

they all got some punkrock tattoos like this rusty nail

and this brilliant one. Falafel and Arak, the two best things about Israhell

at the shows


Mikey getting hyphy

Getting ready for the new year’s eve Rave

we bought the booze from this couple. they know what they’re doin

If the Police close the rave at least we have A LOT of beer…