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We spent the last month in Bangkok, mostly working in the studio on the video we made for U2…

Here are some pics by Yona Preminger from last days in the city:

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Music Video for “Get out of your own way” by U2

Official video for “Get out of your own way” by U2.

Was a pleasure to work on this one, as we got complete creative freedom from the band, they explained us their idea of the song and asked as to do whatever we want, and saw it for the first time only when it was finished..

We would like to dedicate this video to Tinoki and to Ru.

big thanks to all our friends that helped us again!


Editing and Post production: Adam Albo

Bangkok: Yona Preminger, London: Will Edgecombe, Haifa: Matan Sivan, Nil Cohen, Yaara Agnon, Fima.

classic animation: Gome Alon

Models built by: Roni Adler, Sai Alon, Kip.

Assistants: David, Asfe, Tommy, Cha Caspi, Viki, Machlin, Bar, Manel, Molly, Phil, Teddy, Amit, Gavriel.

big thanks to: Shai, Sharon, Quimb, Ale, Rami, Tomer, Holly, falafel Sachtein.


Kibushi occupation sticker pack middle east peace israel palestine clinton rabin arafat  graffiti street art political
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โ€œKibushiโ€ (roughly translated as โ€œMaking the occupation cuteโ€)


A new work we created to โ€œcelebrateโ€ 50 years of occupation. As part of the generation who grew up in the 90s and 2000s in Israel with a wealth of western influences – neon colours and plastic – and at the same time, the depressing reality and constant panic that is part of daily life here. These stickers are from the images that flooded our world; while kids in the west worshipped comic superheros, our Pop culture was generals and terrorists.

The work Kibushi is now on display at Urban Nation Museum in Berlin.

A mini version of the work is available as an edition sticker pack available only through Ghostown. The profit from the first 100ย packs sold will go toย bilingual education in Arabic and Hebrew in Haifa.

Kibushi occupation sticker pack middle east peace israel palestine clinton rabin arafat  graffiti street art political ย Kibushi occupation sticker pack middle east peace israel palestine clinton rabin arafat  graffiti street art political Kibushi occupation sticker pack middle east peace israel palestine clinton rabin arafat  graffiti street art political ย Kibushi occupation sticker pack middle east peace israel palestine clinton rabin arafat  graffiti street art political
Kibushi occupation sticker pack middle east peace israel palestine clinton rabin arafat  graffiti street art political


“Shmiracles”, Textile experiments between Unga and Pakal,

Wednesday 13th December 6.30 – 8.30. All welcome

The (micro) show will run throughout December.

WA Green, 10 Charlotte Road, Shoreditch, EC2A 3DH, London

broken fingaz Shmiracles flashbacks print silkscreen unga deso tant colormakers indian birds eyes pakal london



broken fingaz Shmiracles flashbacks print silkscreen unga deso tant colormakers indian birds eyes pakal london broken fingaz Shmiracles flashbacks print silkscreen unga deso tant colormakers indian birds eyes pakal london broken fingaz Shmiracles flashbacks print silkscreen unga deso tant colormakers indian birds eyes pakal london


broken fingaz Shmiracles flashbacks print silkscreen unga deso tant colormakers indian birds eyes pakal london broken fingaz Shmiracles flashbacks print silkscreen unga deso tant colormakers indian birds eyes pakal london broken fingaz Shmiracles flashbacks print silkscreen unga deso tant colormakers indian birds eyes pakal london broken fingaz Shmiracles flashbacks print silkscreen unga deso tant colormakers indian birds eyes pakal london broken fingaz Shmiracles flashbacks print silkscreen unga deso tant colormakers indian birds eyes pakal london