missing the lights

-this thursday will be the opening of “Inside Job” at the Tel Aviv Museum – the first ever street art show to take place in a museum in Israel.. we’re about to show new works and a wall we painted inside the place. participating beside us are 7 great artists: Adi “crazy eye” Sened, Ame72, Foma, Klone, Know Hope, Yochai Matos and Zero Cents.
– The last year was crazy for us.. we saw places in the world we never imagined we’ll get to see, and painted more than we ever did, It felt like the gypsies were living the dream… we never really planned to get into the “art world”, always just wanted to do graffiti and posters… Up until a year ago we hadn’t more than 2-3 shows in some small galleries, and suddenly we show our stuff at the 3 biggest museums in Israel, all in one hectic summer.. weird, but mostly great.. for us it’s pretty much an opportunity to take a break from everything and finally just sit in our studio and work on paintings.. come see it this Thursday @ Helena Rubinstein Pavilion, 20:00. here’s a sneak peek:
Finally found a couple of free hours to post some snapshots we took lately..
some wicked acid Kippahs from Jerusalem –
some one put this in our building-
so much boring graffiti in TelAviv, finally something cool-
fuck yeah
Last month we went to Bat-Yam for three days of sun, sweat and paint in a new gallery on the beach. we worked there with Foma, Know Hope, Zero Cents and Klone for the gallery opening with the exhibition ”Built to Last”. Thanx to Raz for organizing the whole thing, and to Shmuel for the pics. (they allready painted the walls white so don’t bother go there..)
7 years of posters in Haifa