Posts By: UNGA

grey squares

חבל שלא באו לצלם בחיפה, כל העיר מלאה בריבועים אפורים


Finally we got some photos of the work we did for the Haifa Museum group show.. it’s basically a poster made from 6 layers of paintings on wood,  inside a 2.5/1.5 meter wooden box… was really fun to make, thanx once again to all the good friends who dropped by our studio and helped.. pictures by Matan “hagever” Sivan

The apples poster

tribute to The Giving Tree, one of the best books  of all time..

Next saturday they are playing in Haifa… don’t miss this one!


מנהיגים סוטים שמתחרמנים ממלחמות. טפוי.