New poster for Chasing Shadows

New poster for Chasing Shadows
We had the luck to show some of our works in this amazing street art fare in Beijing, that seemed to gather most of China’s writers and street artists. It sucks that we couldnt be there in person. looks like a really cool event with great art and vibes..
pics by our man Uncle:
Uncle’s works:
Some of Rainbow’s handmade dolls:
Illustrations from China, Sinai and TZOANIA..
Inking for a poster for the “Bass Wars” party in TelAviv-
and here is the colored version:
The latest issue of Crane magazine is now available online, and we’re participating. Download it and enjoy, one of the freshest magazines I saw in a while, tones of amazing art.
Note that they wrote only my name, but most of the works they show there is collaborations I did with Tant. for not posting for a long time, Tant got into a fight with a Panda bear, and we’re all still a little shocked. Plus the computers here are slow and gypsy. Here are some flicks from a wall we did at this weird abandoned chemical factory (soon to become a theater). We ended painting here for one day and came with some interesting results.. checkit