Posts By: UNGA


Our friend ELNA spent the last two months in Brazil and Argentina, filling his sketchbook with those cool illustrations.. he uploaded all of it to here

army is gay

some rub a dub for shabes evening..

Easy rider special for Ghostown:

Mungo’s Hi Fi ft. Ranking Levy from The best sound in Israel, My Lord station-

and here’s 2 tunes by Mr. Williamz, which will play in Haifa and Tel Aviv in 2 week..


for more info about the show..


when me and Kip first got into Graffiti back in 2000 there was pretty much only one writer in our city – Crazy Bob, now known as Keos one.. the mother fucker was so up… a real heavy tagger, back then there wasn’t one bus in haifa without his tags all over the walls.. later we discovered he went to the same highschool we did, and that he was crazy also in real life.. we started painting together and joined his crew NRC, one of the first graff crews in Israel and the only one that is still active from that time.. he pretty much thought us all the basic shit about graffiti, a knowledge that was hard to get in Israel back then.. so big up Keos, keep bombing and stay crazy and original..















-a wall we did in downtown Haifa before we went to cambodia, with Seth from Paris…. we were really happy to see the city didn’t buff it yet and it’s still there… pictures by Matan Sivan
















the haifa port