Posts By: UNGA


-homeboy Pilpeled is chilling in Basel for the last few weeks, painting and smoking weed that you can’t find in the middle east.. he made this nice video. mr. Cohen is responsible for the beat..

MAKOM EINSOFI מקום אינסופי

“MAKOM ENSOFI” album art by me and Tant for Roee Nachum. we worked on this one on and off for almost a year… the process was really long but interesting  since Roee was really dedicated to it, and was very open minded about the art. here it is-

ya avi gail is dustin

– i just got a package from germany that made me happy, our brothers Sergent Dennis just dropped their new split cassette with Idiot savant. i illustrated the cover for them. great people that makes great music. check their evil songs here – 666


sexy germans:


– and here’s a new silk screen print i printed yesterday-


i continue to ruin my friend’s legs, i did this one on Tant-

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