Wuadi Nisnas – Haifa

ืงื™ืจ ื—ื“ืฉ ื‘ื•ืื“ื™ ื ื™ืกื ืก. ื”ืฉื›ื•ื ื” ื”ื–ืืช ื”ื™ื ืื—ืช ื”ืกื™ื‘ื•ืช ืฉืื ื—ื ื• ืื•ื”ื‘ื™ื ืืช ื—ื™ืคื”, ื™ื•ืžื™ื™ื ืืจื•ื›ื™ื ืฉื ืžื™ืœืื• ืื•ืชื ื• ื‘ื”ืฉืจืื” ื•ืชืงื•ื” ืกืœืืฉ ื–ื™ืŸ ืขืœ ื—ื•ืง ื”ืœืื•ื ื•ืขืœ ื›ืœ ืžื™ ืฉืžื ืกื” ืœืฉื›ื ืข ืื•ืชื ื• ืฉืื™ ืืคืฉืจ ืœื—ื™ื•ืช ื‘ื™ื—ื“

Wuadi nisnas haifa tant broken fingaz arabs jews street art6-wuadi-s16-wuadi-s13-wuadi-s12-wuadi-s114-wuadi-s1189-wuadi-s2-wuadi-s5-wuadi-s8-wuadi-s9-wuadi-s


Poster for CutOut

Poster for CutOut animation festival in Mexico! our favourite festival by far…

animation festival broken fingaz tant unga mexico cutout


The legendary mr. Finsta (Sweden) opens a new installation in ย Kartel Haifa + drops special limited edition shirts for Ghostown!

“CONSEQUENCES” group show

The good people from The Qabinet London will open a new group show this weekend – “CONSEQUENCES”
Lot’s of great artists involved, be sure to check it out!
Tant and Unga designed this mug for the show (there’s only 10 of them..)ย 