We had a great weekend in TelAviv, Thanx for everyone who came to buy and support! See y’all at the Bardo Store this Thursday

We had a great weekend in TelAviv, Thanx for everyone who came to buy and support! See y’all at the Bardo Store this Thursday
Tant & Unga
New animation clip by Tant and Unga! we shot it in 3 days on our roof in Hadar… Turn the speakers on before pressing play..
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Broken Fingaz -Graffiti Stop Motion from Broken Fingaz on Vimeo.
Cotti comes to Haifa on Friday ย 9.4.2010, you don’t wanna miss this one..
Check out his Myspace
Our spring 2010 Tshirts collection is finally out! You can get it in Vans stores (Ramat Gan, Hertzelia) and in Bardo store (Haifa),ย or visit us at the T-market in Telaviv this weekend.
“Night of the Broken Fingaz”, ย a wall we painted ย in Jerusalem few weeks ago..