If you’re in Beijing between July 25th and September 12th u should defintely check out Fortes Sequeira’s new live painting exhibition – “Off The Wall”.. more details here
New video from Blu
This dude is not human, fucking insane.
798 Beijing – We wanna live here
Here are some flicks from the walls we did at 798 – a really cool art district in Beijing, stuffed with graffiti, galleries and good people. something like how we wish Massada would become one day.. Thanx to ABS Crew and all the other local writers for the great bench!

Sorry for not posting for a long time, Tant got into a fight with a Panda bear, and we’re all still a little shocked. Plus the computers here are slow and gypsy. Here are some flicks from a wall we did at this weird abandoned chemical factory (soon to become a theater). We ended painting here for one day and came with some interesting results.. checkit

A wall for MIDI rock festival in Beijing
MIDI Festival is the biggest rock festival in China – a place where rock music is still kinda new (around 20 years..). We had one day do paint this wall, during which we had a sand storm and had to break the wall apart and continue workin indoor.. Fun times